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• Elm Programming
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• Python Advanced
• Python 3
• Flask Using Python
• Machine Learning Using Python
• Python for A.I.
• Computer Vision Using Python
• Kivy Framework

• C#

• Unity

• Java

• Java Advanced
• Java Hibernate
• Java Spring
• JavaFX
• Java Servlets and JSP
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• Kotlin Advanced
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• IT Basics

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• Make Your Own NFT
• Hyperledger Fabric
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• Google Ads Measurements
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• Solidity
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Hileud Buku
Starfish Collector
Space Rock



~ WFO ~
04:30 – 05:00 ~ Bedroom
05:00 – 05:10 ~ Shalat
05:10 – 05:30 ~ Cats
05:30 – 06:30 ~ Shower
06:30 – 07:30 ~ Commute
07:30 – 12:00 ~ Work
12:00 – 12:10 ~ Lunch
12:30 – 14:30 ~ Work
14:30 – 14:50 ~ Shalat
14:50 – 16:40 ~ Work
16:40 – 17:00 ~ Shalat
17:00 – 18:00 ~ Commute
18:00 – 18:10 ~ Shalat
18:10 – 18:20 ~ Eat
18:20 – 18:40 ~ Dishes
18:40 – 19:00 ~ Cats
19:00 – 19:20 ~ Wash Up
19:20 – 19:30 ~ Shalat
19:30 – 20:00 ~ Tutorial
20:00 – 22:00 ~ Free Time

~ WFH ~
04:30 – 05:00 ~ Bedroom
05:00 – 05:10 ~ Shalat
05:10 – 05:30 ~ Cats
05:30 – 06:30 ~ Shower
06:30 – 07:00 ~ Blog / Video
07:00 – 07:30 ~ Breakfast
07:30 – 12:00 ~ Work
12:00 – 12:10 ~ Lunch
12:30 – 14:30 ~ Work
14:30 – 14:50 ~ Shalat
14:50 – 16:40 ~ Work
16:40 – 17:00 ~ Shalat
17:00 – 18:00 ~ Blog / Video
18:00 – 18:10 ~ Shalat
18:10 – 18:20 ~ Eat
18:20 – 18:40 ~ Dishes
18:40 – 19:00 ~ Cats
19:00 – 19:20 ~ Wash Up
19:20 – 19:30 ~ Shalat
19:30 – 20:00 ~ Tutorial
20:00 – 22:00 ~ Free Time

04:30 – 05:00 ~ Bedroom
05:00 – 05:10 ~ Shalat
05:10 – 05:30 ~ Cats
05:30 – 06:30 ~ Blog / Video
06:30 – 07:00 ~ Breakfast
07:00 – 09:00 ~ Exercise
09:00 – 12:00 ~ Chores
12:00 – 13:00 ~ Shower
13:00 – 13:10 ~ Shalat
13:10 – 13:20 ~ Eat
13:20 – 17:20 ~ Free Time
17:20 – 17:30 ~ Shalat
17:30 – 18:00 ~ Blog / Video
18:00 – 18:10 ~ Shalat
18:10 – 18:20 ~ Eat
18:20 – 18:40 ~ Dishes
18:40 – 19:00 ~ Cats
19:00 – 19:20 ~ Wash Up
19:20 – 19:30 ~ Shalat
19:30 – 20:00 ~ Tutorial
20:00 – 22:00 ~ Free Time

~ Checklist ~
▪︎ Huawei Sleep
▪︎ Huawei Weight
▪︎ Blog
▪︎ Duolingo
▪︎ Mimo
▪︎ Subuh
▪︎ Duhur
▪︎ Ashar
▪︎ Maghrib
▪︎ Isya

~ The Rules ~
I’ll only do stuff if :
▪︎ It’s fun / intriguing / comfortable.
▪︎ I can get some advantages out of it.
▪︎ I feel bad for not doing it.
▪︎ I can get some disadvantages if I’m not doing it.
▪︎ God has ordained me to do so.

~ Bills ~
Token Listrik : 14342611705
Token Listrik : 86040932252
PDAM Kota Bandung : 00904220106



Japanese – Hiragana & Katakana
















きゃ きゅ きょ
キャ キュ キョ

ぎゃ ぎゅ ぎょ
ギャ ギュ ギョ

しゃ しゅ しょ
シャ シュ ショ

じゃ じゅ じょ
ジャ ジュ ジョ

ちゃ ちゅ ちょ
チャ チュ チョ

にゃ にゅ にょ
ニャ ニュ ニョ

ひゃ ひゅ ひょ
ヒャ ヒュ ヒョ

びゃ びゅ びょ
ビャ ビュ ビョ

ぴゃ ぴゅ ぴょ
ピャ ピュ ピョ

みゃ みゅ みょ
ミャ ミュ ミョ

りゃ りゅ りょ
リャ リュ リョ

ああ いい うう ええ おお
アー イー ウー エー オー

っ+k っ+s っ+t っ+p
ッ+k ッ+s ッ+t ッ+p

Vocabulary – English

(verb) to gather or pile up especially little by little.

(verb) make someone aware of or familiar with.
(verb) be an acquaintance.

(verb) buy or obtain (an asset or object) for oneself.
(verb) learn or develop (a skill, habit, or quality).

(adjective) very near, next to, or touching.

(noun) the arrival of a notable person, thing, or event.

(adjective) something that was mentioned before.

(noun) the maximum extent of a vibration or oscillation, measured from the position of equilibrium.
(noun) the angular distance of a celestial object from the true east or west point of the horizon at rising or setting.

(verb) destroy utterly; obliterate.
(verb) defeat utterly.
(verb) convert (a subatomic particle) into radiant energy.

(noun) the farthest or highest point.

(adjective) suitable or proper in the circumstances.
(verb) take (something) for one’s own use, typically without the owner’s permission.
(verb) devote (money or assets) to a special purpose.

(adverb) close to, around, or roughly.

(adjective) appropriate or suitable in the circumstances.
(adjective) having a tendency to do something.

(verb) (of a problem, opportunity, or situation) emerge; become apparent.
(verb) get or stand up.

(adjective) based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system.
(adjective) (of power or a ruling body) unrestrained and autocratic in the use of authority.
(adjective) (of a constant or other quantity) of unspecified value.

(adjective) utterly foolish or silly.

(verb) (of people) gather together in one place for a common purpose.
(verb) fit together the separate component parts of (a machine or other object).

(adjective) surprisingly impressive or notable.

(adjective) of, connected with, or resembling the stars.

(verb) to turn away or to prevent.

(verb) see or observe (a thing or person, especially a remarkable or impressive one).

(adjective) (of heat) intense.
(adjective) (of criticism) expressed with great vehemence.
(adjective) extremely fast, forceful, or impressive.

(adjective) made denser or more concise; compressed or concentrated.
(adjective) changed from a gas or vapor to a liquid.

(verb) join; combine.

(noun) a written or spoken agreement, especially one concerning employment, sales, or tenancy, that is intended to be enforceable by law.
(verb) decrease in size, number, or range.
(verb) enter into a formal and legally binding agreement.

(adverb) by a notably large amount or to a notably large extent; greatly.

(noun) the comfort received by a person after a loss or disappointment.
(noun) a person or thing providing comfort to a person who has suffered.

(noun) feelings of anxiety or dismay, typically at something unexpected.

(verb) be (a part) of a whole.
(verb) give legal or constitutional form to (an institution); establish by law.

(adjective) fitting in well with a person’s needs, activities, and plans.
(adjective) involving little trouble or effort.
(adjective) situated so as to allow easy access to.

(noun) a collection of written texts, especially the entire works of a particular author or a body of writing on a particular subject.
(noun) the main body or mass of a structure.

(adjective) relating to the universe or cosmos, especially as distinct from the earth.

(adjective) decisive or critical, especially in the success or failure of something.
(adjective) of great importance.

(noun) a deficiency in amount.

(verb) use up the supply or resources of.
(verb) diminish in number or quantity.

(adjective) having made a firm decision and being resolved not to change it.
(adjective) processing or displaying resolve.

(adverb) in a manner that shows deep religious feeling or commitment.

(adjective) extremely or unusually small.

(noun) consternation and distress, typically that caused by something unexpected.
(verb) cause (someone) to feel consternation and distress.

(noun) the action of cutting off a person’s or animal’s limbs.
(noun) the action of partitioning or dividing up a territory or organization.

(adjective) swollen due to pressure from inside; bloated.

(adjective) having a quality or characteristic that makes a person or thing different from others.

(adjective) unsettled in opinion; doubtful.

(verb) force or throw (something) out, typically in a violent or sudden way.
(verb) cause (something) to drop out or be removed, usually mechanically.
(verb) (of a pilot) escape from an aircraft by being explosively propelled out of it.

(verb) completely remove or get rid of (something).
(verb) exclude (someone or something) from consideration.
(verb) murder (a rival or political opponent).

(adjective) (of an object) fixed firmly and deeply in a surrounding mass; implanted.
(adjective) (of a journalist) attached to a military unit during a conflict.

(adjective) (of a person) famous and respected within a particular sphere or profession.
(adjective) used to emphasize the presence of a positive quality.

(verb) produce and discharge (something, especially gas or radiation).
(verb) make (a sound).
(verb) issue formally and with authority; put into circulation, especially currency.

(adjective) arousing feelings of affection or admiration.

(noun) serious determined effort.
(noun) activity directed toward a goal.
(verb) to attempt (something, such as the fulfillment of an obligation) by exertion of effort.
(verb) to strive to achieve or reach.

(verb) (of a natural force) sweep over (something) so as to surround or cover it completely.
(verb) eat or swallow (something) whole.

(adjective) extraordinarily great in size, number, or degree.

(adjective) with no part left out; whole.

(noun) a thing with distinct and independent existence.

(noun) an event or a time that begins a new period or development.

(noun) the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something, especially something abstract, that determines its character.
(noun) a property or group of properties of something without which it would not exist or be what it is.
(noun) an extract or concentrate obtained from a particular plant or other matter and used for flavoring or scent.

(adjective) lasting forever.

(verb) escape or avoid, especially by cleverness or trickery.
(verb) (of an abstract thing) elude (someone).
(verb) avoid giving a direct answer to (a question).

(adjective) regarded or represented as larger, better, or worse than in reality.
(adjective) enlarged or altered beyond normal proportions.

(verb) apply or bring to bear (a force, influence, or quality).
(verb) make a physical or mental effort.

(noun) waste gases or air expelled from an engine, turbine, or other machine in the course of its operation.
(verb) drain (someone) of their physical or mental resources; tire out.
(verb) use up (resources or reserves) completely.

(noun) the area covered by something.
(noun) the degree to which something has spread; the size or scale of something.
(noun) the amount to which something is or is believed to be the case.

(noun) a situation in which something no longer exists.

(adjective) extremely interesting.

(adverb) in a savagely violent or aggressive manner.
(adverb) in a powerful and destructive manner.
(adverb) with a heartfelt and powerful intensity.

(noun) the heavens or the sky, especially when regarded as a tangible thing.

(adjective) of, from, in, or characteristic of a country or language other than one’s own.
(adjective) strange and unfamiliar.

(adjective) strong and powerful, and therefore difficult to deal with if opposed to you.

(adjective) physically weak, or easily damaged, broken, or harmed.

(noun) foolish behavior, or something silly or unimportant.

(adjective) attempting to avoid notice or attention, typically because of guilt or a belief that discovery would lead to trouble; secretive.

(adjective) referring to food or cooking that incorporates elements of diverse cuisines.
(noun) the process or result of joining two or more things together to form a single entity.

(adjective) giving out or reflecting a strong or dazzling light.
(adjective) staring fiercely or fixedly.

(adverb) moving, changing, or developing by fine or often imperceptible degrees.

(adjective) impressive and imposing in appearance or style, especially pretentiously so.
(adjective) excessively grand or ambitious.

(noun) a place of safety; refuge

(adverb) used to introduce a statement that contrasts with or seems to contradict something that has been said previously.
(adverb) in whatever way; regardless of how.

(adjective) extremely large or great, especially in scale or degree.

(adverb) to a great extent; extremely.

(noun) a hindrance or obstruction in doing something.
(noun) a defect in a person’s speech, such as a lisp or stammer.

(verb) force (something unwelcome or unfamiliar) to be accepted or put in place.
(verb) take advantage of someone by demanding their attention or commitment.

(adverb) in a way that is impossible to describe, especially because of being extremely good or bad.

(adjective) impossible to avoid or evade.

(verb) fill (a balloon, tire, or other expandable structure) with air or gas so that it becomes distended.
(verb) increase (something) by a large or excessive amount.

(adjective) having or showing an unusual aptitude for discovering, inventing, or contriving.

(adjective) (of an action or situation) causing shame or a loss of honor.

(verb) to occupy as a place of settled residence or habitat.

(adjective) (of an environment) harsh and difficult to live in.
(adjective) (of a person) unfriendly and unwelcoming toward people.

(adverb) to an unusually or disproportionately large degree; excessively.

(adjective) hinting at something bad in an indirect and unpleasant way.
(adjective) using subtle manipulation to maneuver oneself into a favorable position.

(noun) lack of stability; the state of being unstable.
(noun) tendency to unpredictable behavior or erratic changes of mood.

(verb) weave or become woven together.

(verb) stay in a place longer than necessary because of a reluctance to leave.
(verb) spend a long time over (something).
(verb) be slow to disappear or die.

(noun) a long duration of individual life.

(adjective) emitting light not caused by heat.

(noun) luminous quality.
(noun) the intrinsic brightness of a celestial object (as distinct from its apparent brightness diminished by distance).
(noun) the rate of emission of radiation, visible or otherwise.

(noun) the components of a machine.
(noun) the organization or structure of something.

(adjective) beautiful, powerful, or causing great admiration and respect.

(adjective) clear or obvious to the eye or mind.
(verb) display or show (a quality or feeling) by one’s acts or appearance; demonstrate.

(noun) an event, action, or object that clearly shows or embodies something, especially a theory or an abstract idea.
(noun) the action or fact of showing an abstract idea.
(noun) a symptom or sign of an ailment.

(adjective) causing great wonder; extraordinary.
(adjective) extremely good or pleasing; splendid.

(adjective) very large in size.

(adverb) in a way that shows no mercy.

(adverb) in a cheerful way.
(adverb) without consideration of possible problems or future implications.

(adjective) capturing one’s complete attention as if by magic.

(noun) a stone set up beside a road to mark the distance in miles to a particular place.
(noun) an action or event marking a significant change or stage in development.

(adjective) extremely small; tiny.

(adverb) in a way that suggests or resembles a miracle.
(adverb) in a remarkable and extremely lucky manner.

(adjective) (especially of materials with a high melting point, such as metal and glass) liquefied by heat.
(adjective) denoting a cake or dessert that retains a thick, liquid center after being baked, typically served warm.

(noun) the force or speed of an object in motion, or the increase in the rate of development of a process.

(adjective) boring from being always the same.

(adjective) great in importance, extent, or size.

(adjective) so small or unimportant as to be not worth considering; insignificant.

(adjective) generally known and talked of; especially widely and unfavorably known.

(verb) destroy utterly; wipe out.
(verb) cause to become invisible or indistinct; blot out.

(verb) to leave out or leave unmentioned.

(adjective) widely or constantly encountered; common or widespread.

(noun) a removal from power; a defeat or downfall.
(noun) (in baseball and other games) a throw that sends a ball past its intended recipient or target.
(verb) remove forcibly from power.
(verb) throw (a ball) further or harder than intended.

(adverb) with great care and thoroughness.

(adjective) extremely or completely dried, as by heat, sun, or wind.

(adjective) unusual and strange, sometimes in an unpleasant way.

(noun) an odd or unusual feature or habit.
(noun) a characteristic or quality that is distinctive of a particular person or place.
(noun) the quality or state of being peculiar.

(adjective) (especially of a slight movement or change of state) able to be seen or noticed.

(verb) suffer death, typically in a violent, sudden, or untimely way.
(verb) suffer complete ruin or destruction.
(verb) (of rubber, a foodstuff, or other organic substance) lose its normal qualities; rot or decay.

(adverb) forever or for an indefinitely long time.
(adverb) without intermission or interruption; continually.
(adverb) with continued recurrence; regularly or repeatedly.

(noun) a person who travels to a holy place.

(noun) a pilgrim’s journey.
(verb) go on a pilgrimage.

(noun) ceremony and splendid display, especially at a public event.
(noun) ostentatious boastfulness or vanity.

(noun) future generations.

(adverb) for the most part; mainly.

(adverb) by assuming reasonably; probably.

(verb) announce officially or publicly.
(verb) declare something one considers important with due emphasis.
(verb) declare officially or publicly to be.

(noun) the breeding of specimens of a plant or animal by natural processes from the parent stock.
(noun) the action of widely spreading and promoting an idea, theory, etc.

(verb) drive, push, or cause to move in a particular direction, typically forward.
(verb) spur or drive into a particular situation.

(noun) nearness or closeness.

(noun) a small hole in a tire resulting in an escape of air.
(verb) make a puncture in (something).
(verb) cause a sudden collapse of (mood or feeling).

(noun) a set of four people or things.

(noun) a period of violent and uncontrollable behavior, typically involving a large group of people.
(verb) (especially of a large group of people) rush around in a violent and uncontrollable manner.

(adjective) unnecessary because it is more than is needed.

(noun) the period during which a sovereign rules.
(verb) hold royal office; rule as king or queen.

(adjective) worthy of being or likely to be noticed especially as being uncommon or extraordinary.

(adjective) restrained, inhibited, or oppressed.
(adjective) (of a thought, feeling, or desire) kept suppressed and unconscious in one’s mind.

(noun) the action of driving back an attacking force or of being driven back.
(verb) drive back (an attack or attacking enemy) by force.
(verb) cause (someone) to feel intense distaste and aversion.

(noun) a feeling of intense distaste or disgust.
(noun) a force under the influence of which objects tend to move away from each other, e.g. through having the same magnetic polarity or electric charge.

(adjective) tending to repel.
(adjective) causing strong dislike or aversion; disgusting; offensive.

(verb) voluntarily leave a job or other position.
(verb) accept that something undesirable cannot be avoided.

(noun) a change to an opposite direction, position, or course of action.
(noun) an annulment of a judgment, sentence, or decree made by a lower court or authority.
(noun) an adverse change of fortune.

(noun) the upper or outer edge of an object, typically something circular or approximately circular.
(verb) form or act as an outer edge or rim for.

(noun) an aimless walk.
(verb) move about or travel aimlessly or unsystematically, especially over a wide area.
(verb) use a mobile phone on another operator’s network, typically while abroad.

(adverb) in a way that expresses sorrow or regret, especially in a wry or humorous manner.

(adverb) without pity or compassion for others.

(verb) take hold of suddenly and forcibly.
(verb) take (an opportunity or initiative) eagerly and decisively.

(adjective) having or showing a cunning and deceitful nature.
(adjective) (of a remark, glance, or facial expression) showing in an insinuating way that one has some secret knowledge that may be harmful or embarrassing.
(adjective) (of an action) surreptitious.

(adjective) furtive; sly.

(adjective) being the only one; single and isolated from others.
(noun) the undersurface of a person’s foot.
(verb) put a new sole on to (a shoe).

(adjective) excellent, or beautiful and impressive.

(noun) a device with a small spike or a spiked wheel that is worn on a rider’s heel and used for urging a horse forward.
(noun) a thing that prompts or encourages someone; an incentive.
(verb) urge (a horse) forward by digging one’s spurs into its sides.
(verb) give an incentive or encouragement to (someone).

(adjective) flat, soft, or out of shape as a result of being crushed or squeezed with force

(adjective) deeply shocking; astonishing.

(adjective) very surprising, astonishing, or remarkable.

(noun) the main body or stalk of a plant or shrub, typically rising above ground but occasionally subterranean.
(noun) a long, thin supportive or main section of something.
(verb) originate in or be caused by.
(verb) remove the stems from (fruit or tobacco leaves).

(verb) cause to be under water.
(verb) descend below the surface of an area of water.
(verb) completely cover or obscure.

(adjective) the highest attainable level or degree of something.

(adjective) enough to meet the needs of a situation or a proposed end.

(adjective) kept secret, especially because it would not be approved of.

(noun) a large or dense group of insects, especially flying ones.
(verb) (of insects) move in or form a swarm.
(verb) move somewhere in large numbers.

(adjective) excellent; very good.
(adverb) excellently; very well.
(noun) a full or gently rounded shape or form.
(noun) a gradual increase in sound, amount, or intensity.
(verb) (especially of a part of the body) become larger or rounder in size, typically as a result of an accumulation of fluid.

(adjective) boring and rather frustrating.

(verb) be full of or swarming with.

(adverb) after that time.

(adverb) as a result; because of that; for that reason.

(verb) (of a child, animal, or plant) grow or develop well or vigorously.
(verb) prosper; flourish.

(adjective) done for the sake of appearances or as a symbolic gesture.
(noun) a thing serving as a visible or tangible representation of a fact, quality, feeling, etc.
(noun) a voucher that can be exchanged for goods or services, typically one given as a gift or offered as part of a promotional offer.

(adjective) parched with heat especially of the sun.

(adjective) guilty of or involving betrayal or deception.
(adjective) (of ground, water, conditions, etc.) hazardous because of presenting hidden or unpredictable dangers.

(adjective) great in amount, size, or degree; extremely large.

(verb) to experience something that is unpleasant or something that involves a change.

(noun) the presentation of something as being smaller, worse, or less important than it actually is.

(adverb) to an unwarranted degree; inordinately.

(adjective) not obstructed or hindered.

(adjective) without previous instance; never before known or experienced; unexampled or unparalleled.

(adjective) likely to give way; not stable.
(adjective) likely to change or fail; not firmly established.
(adjective) prone to psychiatric problems or sudden changes of mood.

(noun) the display of strong feeling; passion.

(noun) an edge or border.
(verb) approach (something) closely; be close or similar to (something).

(adjective) full of energy and enthusiasm.
(adjective) quivering; pulsating.
(adjective) (of color) bright and striking.

(noun) the area near or surrounding a particular place.
(noun) proximity in space or relationship.

(verb) move quickly through the air with a whistling or whooshing sound.

The Origin of Quantum Mechanics


Motion. At first sight it is something incredibly uninteresting and trivial. People have been studying motion for thousands of years, but it was not until 1687, when Isaac Newton formulated his three laws of motion, that people finally started to understand it more deeply. Newton’s laws of motion were so ahead of their time that some scientists still consider Newton the most revolutionary physicist of all time. But even Newton’s laws are not perfect, and in 1905 came the special theory of relativity, which brilliantly describes the motion of objects moving at high speeds, formulated by Albert Einstein. But there is another theory that started to develop at the same time. A theory that completely changed our perception of reality. In 1900, the cornerstone of quantum mechanics was laid.

Quantum mechanics deals with objects from the so-called microworld, like particles or atoms. These objects behave nothing like objects of “classical” proportions from the so-called macroworld we ordinarily deal with, and thus cannot be described by classical physics.

In this article, you will be able to explore the world of this ground-breaking theory. And if you at any point struggle to comprehend some its peculiar phenomena, do not worry, you are not the only one. Richard Feynman, one of the greatest contributors to quantum mechanics, once said:

“I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics.”

Quantization of Energy

“There is nothing new to be discovered in physics now. All that remains is more and more precise measurement.”

This sentence was pronounced by a famous Scottish physicist William Thomson on the verge of the 20th century, and many contemporary physicists undoubtedly agreed with him. Classical physical theories had been tested many times and seemed to describe reality tolerably. Not until later, when these theories started to fall apart, did come to light how horribly wrong Thomson was. The first phenomenon which classical physics failed to explain is called the black-body radiation.

To understand this phenomenon, it is necessary to know that all tangible bodies in the universe emit energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation (light). The amount of energy emitted by a body depends on several factors, such as temperature or colour of the body. The higher the temperature of a body, the higher the average frequency (and thereby energy) of the light it emits. The reason we usually cannot observe this radiation is that bodies at room temperature emit predominantly light from the infrared spectrum, which is not visible to the naked eye. Visible light is emitted by metals during melting, for example, when their temperature reaches several hundreds of degrees Celsius, making it possible for us to see them glow.

Physicists of the 19th century were trying to ascertain the spectral composition emitted by a body in relation to its temperature. To accomplish that, they used a simplified model of a body – the black body. A black body is a hypothetical body that has to meet the following two conditions:

  1. A black body absorbs all the electromagnetic radiation that strikes it (other bodies absorb merely a certain part of the whole spectrum and reflects the remaining light).
  2. A black body stays in thermal equilibrium with its surroundings (i.e. has the same temperature as all the bodies located within the same system).

These conditions ensure that spectrum emitted by a black body is determined purely by the temperature of the body. However, when physicists tried to establish the composition of such a spectrum using classical physics, they obtained a result that did not coincide with reality whatsoever. According to classical physics, a black body would emit the same amount of light of each frequency. However, the higher the light’s frequency, the more energy the light has. A black body would therefore emit huge quantities of energy in the form of high-frequency radiation – infinite, in fact.

This, however, has dire consequences – classical physics thereby basically states that every single object in the universe should immediately emit all of its energy in the form of light from the ultraviolet spectrum. Luckily, the universe does not work that way, otherwise we would not exist.

This realisation was a huge milestone for the evolution of modern science. Physicists were at last unwillingly forced to admit that classical theories were simply wrong. Today, we have an apt name for this huge failure of classical physics – the ultraviolet catastrophe.

The black-body radiation problem was solved by a German physicist Max Planck. He came up with an idea that bodies do not emit electromagnetic radiation continuously, but via small packets called quanta. The size of these quanta is given by the following Planck’s equation:

𝐄 = 𝐡 ⋅ 𝐟
(𝐡 = 𝟔,𝟔𝟐𝟔 ⋅ 𝟏𝟎−𝟑𝟒 𝐉𝐬)

Electromagnetic wave can essentially be thought of as a set of very small energy “packets” (quanta) whose total energy determines the energy of the wave itself. The size of a quantum is specific for each frequency. From the equation above, it is apparent that radiation of higher frequencies is composed of larger quanta than radiation of lower frequencies. This solves the problem with black-body radiation – it is increasingly difficult for a black body to emit radiation of higher frequencies, as it often cannot “feed” high-frequency quanta with enough energy, and thus sticks with low-energy light.

Quantization of energy is just the very beginning of a whole new world of physics. It presents a fundamental rule to quantum mechanics – as we will learn in the following chapters.

Bohr Model of the Atom

Imagine that you have an object that you then start dividing into smaller and smaller parts. Would you be able to divide the object forever, or would you eventually reach some peculiar indivisible building blocks? Scholars of ancient Greece have asked themselves the same question and eventually have come with a correct assumption: all matter in the universe is made up of very small “grains”. They called these grains atoms (atomos = indivisible).

Later, when scientists thought to have discovered these indivisible blocks, they adopted the Greek name. It was then revealed that atoms are actually not indivisible, but consist of positively charged protons, negatively charged electrons, and neutrons, which are uncharged. However, there was uncertainty regarding the structure of the atom, and the physicist living at the beginning of the 20th century were trying to clarify it.

In 1911, Ernest Rutherford proposed the so-called planetary model of the atom. According to this model, every atom consists of a positively charged nucleus around which orbit negatively charged electrons like planets around stars. However, this model has one major flaw – if atoms obeyed the model, they would be extremely unstable, since their electrons would radiate all of their energy as a result of constant acceleration and almost immediately fall into the nucleus.

In 1913, a Danish physicist Niels Bohr came with his own model of the atom. The Bohr model is greatly similar to the planetary model. However, Bohr specified three rules that must be strictly adhered to for the stability of atoms to be maintained:

  1. Electrons orbit around the nucleus following circle-shaped orbitals without radiating light.
  2. Orbitals are not located at an arbitrary distance from the nucleus, but purely on allowed energy levels that are multiples of the reduced Planck constant (reduced Planck constant has a value of the Planck constant divided by two π). From this phenomenon, it is obvious that quantization applies to objects with mass as well (in this case, electrons).
  3. Electrons may jump from one orbital to another. When jumping from an orbital of lower energy to a high-energy one, an electron absorbs a quantum of light. This process is called excitation. Electrons that are located at a higher energy level than their original level are called excited electrons. In contrast, when jumping from a higher energy orbital to a lower one, an electron emits a quantum of light. Electrons that are on their original energy level are said to be in the ground state.
Scheme of an electron transitioning from an orbital of higher energy to a low-energy one while emitting a photon.

Using the Bohr model, the existence of the so-called spectral lines can be easily explained. A spectral line is a dark or light line disrupting an otherwise continuous electromagnetic spectrum. For example, if we expose an atom (let us consider a helium atom, for instance) to the whole spectrum, a part of this spectrum is filtered out after interacting with the atom, since certain frequencies of the spectrum have the exact amount of energy that is needed by helium electrons to move to an orbital with higher energy. Consequently, this part of the spectrum is absorbed. These disruptions of the continuous spectrum are called absorption lines. Helium electrons may never absorb the remaining radiation, because by doing so, they would find themselves outside of the allowed energy levels.

However, the radiation that was previously absorbed by the electrons is emitted after a while, when the electrons move from the orbitals with higher energy back to the ones with lower energy. Consequently, the so-called emission lines are created. Emission and absorption lines are unique for each element. This fact is used when determining the composition of remote objects in space – scientists point their telescopes at a distant cosmic body and ascertain its chemical make-up based on the spectral lines they receive.

However, even the Bohr model is not perfect and shortly after it had been published it was replaced by a more accurate model – the quantum mechanical model. Despite its imperfections, the Bohr model still presents an important transition between the classical and quantum mechanics, as it applies Planck’s findings regarding quantization to atoms.

The Inevitable Death of the Cosmos – Conclusion

Nobody knows which of the scenarios will be fatal to our universe. Currently, the strongest candidate seems to be the Heat Death, but we have ruefully little information to predict the destiny of the universe with absolute certainty. But one thing is clear – there will once come a day that will be the last one.

Perhaps our cosmos is the only one and when it dies, everything that has ever existed will be gone. Infinite nothingness will rule forever. But perhaps our universe is just one of many, a mere grain in a gigantic multiverse, in which infinitely many universes are born each second, maybe the same as ours, maybe completely different. Who knows? We might never know the correct answer.

But if we are able to properly utilize our not negligible intellect and make the right decisions to preserve our species, I believe that some of our posterity will see the death of the universe with their own eyes. It would be an immense success to endure until the very end, to collaborate in order to withstand all trials our universe keeps presenting us with. But at the end, not even our intellect will save us. The death of the universe also means the death of humanity. It is not possible to exist outside of the filaments of space-time, outside of rigid physical laws. The universe has given us life, but eventually it will take life away from us.

It will take many billion years before the universe reaches its end. Until then we have a singular opportunity to explore its wonders. Because the more we learn about the cosmos, the more we can exploit its laws. What else can we do?

The Inevitable Death of the Cosmos – The Heat Death

But what would happen to the universe if the amount of dark energy was just about right? If the balance between gravity and dark energy remained intact, so it would not be able to end by collapsing into a singularity or by ripping apart all of its citizens to billions of pieces? The expansion of such a universe would continue forever, but it would gradually slow down until it would become completely imperceptible. The size of the universe would therefore approach some predetermined value but would never reach it. Gravity would never overcome dark energy and dark energy would never beat gravity. Both forces would remain in an everlasting equilibrium.

At first sight it might seem that a universe with the right amount of dark energy would be spared from destruction and would exist forever. Unfortunately, that is not the case and the countdown towards the end of such a universe will eventually reach zero. And who is the architect of this countdown? All of us.

It could be said that today’s universe is quite an ordered place. Matter clusters into neat formations due to gravity, such as galaxies, stars, or planets. Everything has its given order. Stars obediently orbit the centers of galaxies, and planets revolve around their stars without any objections. However, it is not going to stay this way forever, since there is a peculiar variable called entropy.

We may say that entropy is something like disorderliness or chaos. Imagine salt in a vessel. Its entropy is small – the crystals of salt are calmly resting one next to another. But if we were to pour out the salt from the vessel, its entropy would increase rapidly – the crystals of salt would scatter all over the place and together form chaotic and unpredictable patterns.

This experiment with salt tells us a crucial thing about the cosmos – everything in the universe tends to go from an ordered state to a chaotic state. If you let go of a fragile object, it falls to the ground and shatters into small pieces. If you pour milk into a cup of coffee, it does not remain on its surface but starts spreading all over the volume of the cup in unpredictable patterns. It is not impossible that the milk spontaneously clumps into a neat ball or that spilled salt gathers into a beautiful pattern, but it is immensely improbable.

In other words, there are many more states in which a system is unordered than there are states in which it is ordered. That is why chaos will eventually always prevail over orderliness. This stream of events is inevitable, since it is inherently woven into the entire universe.

All the energy in the cosmos eagerly tries to get to a state of the highest possible entropy. Stars perpetually convert their mass into photons of light and bombard the whole universe with them. Our own bodies emit electromagnetic radiation in the infrared spectrum in all directions. The entire energy in the universe tends to spread evenly throughout the cosmos.

You may object that we can decrease the amount of chaos in the universe – after all, spilled salt can simply be put back in the vessel. Moreover, molten rocks in the Earth’s crust keep forming into immensely ordered structures with almost no entropy – minerals. Even our own bodies show low entropy, otherwise they would just gradually fall apart!

The problem with such reasoning is that it does not take into account the whole universe. Yes, we indeed can temporarily decrease the entropy of a negligible part of the cosmos, but we have to pay for it by increasing the chaos in a different part, so as a result the total entropy always increases.

Cooling magma in the Earth’s heart does form unprecedentedly orderly structures, but during this process a huge amount of heat is released into the surrounding space, which increases the total entropy of the universe. Our bodies are systems of steady entropy, but as a consequence they increase the disorderliness of everything around them. With each move, we inadvertently spread energy into space around us in the form of sound or heat – heat that chaotically escapes in all directions. Only by existing, we are inevitably increasing the entropy of the cosmos.

But we are not the only ones. Everything that happens in the universe, without any exceptions, increases its disorderliness. Every single burned piece of wood, every hydrogen atom that fused with a different atom in one of the billions of stars. Events that would decrease the chaos of the cosmos will simply not happen. Ever.

And now we are finally getting to the problem with entropy and the Heat Death of the universe. It is actually quite simple – entropy cannot increase forever. One day, it will not be able to grow anymore, and chaos will reach its maximum value. This event will be a true catastrophe for the universe. The formation of new stars will cease, the old ones will stop shining, because they will run out of fuel. Even all the protons inside atoms will not resist the persistent desire to increase the entropy of the cosmos and will fall apart into lighter particles. Human civilisation will be long gone by then. We have no chance of surviving in a universe that does not provide any usable energy. For many years, the very last citizens will remain in the cosmos as a reminder of its past glory – black holes. But even those will eventually evaporate into millions of photons.

The only thing that will remain is a universe that has reached the highest possible entropy. A universe where nothing will ever happen. A universe flooded with crowds of elementary particles that will cruise through space-time until the very end of time.

The Inevitable Death of the Cosmos – The Big Rip

But it seems that our universe is never going to experience the Big Crunch. Everything seems to point in the direction that our cosmos simply contains too little matter for it to be able to compete with dark energy. A universe with a high amount of dark energy will reach a somewhat less poetic end.

As I have already mentioned multiple times, space-time constantly expands. Each second, millions of cubic metres of new space are created and are woven into existing space-time. Imagine that you are standing on the surface of a giant inflating balloon. While the balloon is expanding, all other objects on its surface are undoubtedly getting further and further apart from you, but their own size does not change. Our universe experiences a similar effect.

You may ask how it is possible that we do not feel the expansion of the cosmos. Should not all objects around us inexorably increase their distance from us? Should not all atoms of our own bodies run away in all direction as new space-time is created between them? They should, but there are three mighty forces that prevent them from doing so – gravity, strong interaction and electromagnetism.

Let us go back to our balloon analogy. How can we prevent all the other objects on the surface of the balloon from growing away? We grab them. For instance, if there was a different person with us on the balloon, we could just grab their hand and everything would be fine. As long as the force of our grip was greater than the friction between the bottom of our shoes and the surface of the balloon, we would undoubtedly stay together.

And electromagnetism along with gravity resist dark energy in a similar way. Our galaxy is not scattered through the entire universe, since the gravitational force between individual stars is greater than the force with which dark energy tries to separate them. Our bodies are not ripped into pieces, as the electromagnetic force between atoms and molecules is multiple times stronger than its counterpart in the form of dark energy.

But a universe whose fate is the Big Rip is not going to stay this way forever. In such a cosmos, the power of dark energy keeps perpetually increasing. At first, everything is going to stay the same, but remarkable things are going to happen after that.

Galaxies will be the first objects to feel the growing force of dark energy. It overpowers the gravitational attraction among the stars of the Milky Way, which will be mercilessly split from a single whole into billions of luminous dots millions of light years apart. The Solar System will come next. The Earth will be torn out of ours star’s gravitational field and will say goodbye to all the other objects of the Solar System.

Then, even electromagnetism will give up and all objects around us without exception will be changed beyond recognition. Our bodies will be ruthlessly ripped into individual protons and neutrons, which will escape in all directions and go on an eternal journey through space-time.

And eventually, even strong interaction will submit to the all-powerful dark energy. Composite particles will be ripped into elementary particles. The universe will become a gigantic wasteland. Its only inhabitants will be immensely lonely particles, each of them billions of light years away from its closest neighbours. The expansion of space will irreversibly go on forever.

The Inevitable Death of the Cosmos – The Big Crunch

Ever since the very second it came into existence, the universe has been expanding. The distance between galaxies has been perpetually growing for billions of years – there are galaxies whose distance from you has increased by even a million kilometers while you have been reading this sentence. But what would happen if this expansion did not go on forever? If it suddenly stopped?

In a universe where there is not enough dark energy, this scenario is not only possible but downright inevitable. Without the resistance of dark energy, gravity simply would not have any counterpart and would have the final say. In such a universe, the gravitational attraction of individual galaxies would gradually slow down the expansion of the universe until it would eventually stop altogether. After that, everything would turn upside down – the universe would get into a shrinking phase. The shrinking would keep accelerating and the distance between galaxies would diminish. The temperature of the cosmos would increase to tremendous values just like at the beginning of time, and all galaxies would join into one. Eventually, the universe would die in the same way it was born – as a minuscule point of infinite density and infinite temperature, without any signs of its glorious history. The existence of everything would be erased and forgotten.

The most daring hypotheses even say that if the universe ever entered the shrinking phase, the arrow of time would reverse. All of those who have been long dead would gradually come back to life from their coffins and they would start getting younger with each day, fragmented glasses would rise and end up untouched back on tables, broken objects would spontaneously repair themselves. The entire life of every single organism would play backwards and ancient lizards would again see the light of day. Life would retreat back into the oceans and eukaryotic cells would disjoin back into prokaryotic. The first living organism would spontaneously disintegrate into simpler molecules. The Earth would be shredded into tiny fragments of cosmic dust and protons as well as neutrons would decay into quarks. The entire monumental universe would be squeezed into a single lonesome singularity.

And what would happen after the Big Crunch? Maybe nothing. The singularity could exist for eternity – completely static and unchanging. But perhaps something utterly different and much more interesting would happen – another Big Bang. A completely new universe might be created. It might be the same as ours, but it might also be entirely different.

And what is more, even our cosmos may not be the first one. It might have been created after a previous cosmos died. Our universe might be a mere link in an infinite chain of universes, past and future, each of them giving birth to the next one when dying. If this were true, the entire present universe would be just a meaningless dot in an infinite series of alternating Big Bangs and Big Crunches.

The Inevitable Death of the Cosmos – Introduction

People used to think that the universe was static and unchanging. In other words, they thought it had always existed and always will. But this hypothesis was disproven when we found out that the universe had a beginning. The entire universe was created during the Big Bang from a single point, smaller than the nucleus of an atom. Today, billions of years after its birth, the universe does indeed seem to be static – planets serenely orbit their parental stars, and those in turn constantly encircle the centres of their galaxies. It may seem that it is going to stay this way forever. But reality is much sadder. With each passing second, we are approaching the inevitable end of our cosmos. And when it finally arrives, all humans will have been long dead and everything we have ever created long destroyed. But if we really wish to comprehend the downfall of the universe, we first need to focus on dark energy.

When scientists studied the expansion on the cosmos, they revealed an unexpected fact – the expansion is accelerating. This finding is really peculiar. According to previous presumptions, the expansion should be slowing down due to gravity. The fact that the opposite is true can only mean one thing – the expansion of the universe must be propelled by some kind of energy that is unknown to us. Energy that cannot be detected in classical ways and that has never been observed. Scientists have named this entity dark energy.

Today, not much is known about dark energy. However, it is all around us – each cubic centimetre of space-time contains its own dose of this mysterious entity, which acts against gravity and keeps creating new space-time between galaxies. And what is more, dark energy makes up about 70 percent of all the energy of the universe by today’s theories.

Dark energy has become even more fascinating when scientists realized a crucial fact – its amount determines the entire destiny of the universe.

Life – The Fermi Paradox

How is it possible that we have not encountered aliens yet? This seemingly asinine question was first asked in the previous century by an Italian physicists Enrico Fermi. However, Fermi’s question is completely justifiable. There are billions of galaxies in the universe, each of them hiding billions of stars, and each star can be orbited by up to several planets. Statistically, the Milky Way should therefore be inhabited by hundreds, if not thousands of civilisations much more advanced than we are. For many years, scientists have been listening to signals from space, observing all possible proofs of the existence of alien civilisations. So far without any success. The universe is unnervingly calm. Where are all the aliens?

Today, the question Fermi asked is one of the greatest unsolved mysteries of astronomy and has earned the nickname the Fermi paradox. After all those years, the question has passed through many curious brains, and many reasonable as well as crazy hypotheses have been created. Let us now explore some of them.


We are alone. Perhaps we are the product of a unique product of tremendous coincidences that has not occurred anywhere else in the whole gigantic universe. Do you remember the first living organism on Earth from the previous chapter? Maybe the birth of such an organism is so incredibly unlikely that it just did not happen anywhere else.

Or perhaps the universe is filled with unicellular organisms but only here on Earth did these organisms feel the need to create something more complicated. That would not be very surprising – after all, even our own prokaryotic cells took two billion years before they finally had the courage to a more complex eukaryotic cell, which is crucial for the development of intelligent life.

But maybe there are plenty of complex animals on the surface of other planets, but none of them are intelligent enough to communicate with us – perhaps the development of a highly intelligent species similar to Homo sapiens is unique, and other space objects are inhabited with animals that lack considerable intellect, just like here on Earth 65 million years ago.

However there are some grimmer possibilities as well. What if there were many intelligent species on various planets but every time a catastrophe occurred that destroyed them? There are many possible catastrophes, but one of them stands out amongst the others – self-destruction. Perhaps all civilisations in the universe unintentionally destroy themselves long before they are able to explore the surrounding space. A nuclear war or an irreversible change in a planet’s climate would safely cause such a destruction. After all, both of the scenarios threaten today’s humanity as well. Who knows, perhaps we will join these hypothetical unsuccessful civilizations that simply destroyed themselves.

Whatever the case, if this hypothesis were true, we would be completely alone in the entire universe. No exciting encounters with other thinking beings would ever happen.


There are intelligent civilizations in the cosmos but there are so few of them that we do not have the slightest chance of encountering them. If the closest advanced civilization inhabited one of the surrounding galaxies, we would most likely never be able to communicate with it in any way.


The universe swarms with civilizations, but aliens do not want to communicate with us. This hypothesis is the most disturbing. Why do they refrain from communication?

They might have a good reason. Perhaps our galaxy is ruled by an immensely advanced alien civilization, whose technological advancement we cannot even imagine. It might not be very wise to let such a civilization know that we exist by sending out radio signals in all directions. Maybe an intelligent rival like us is the last thing these superintelligent aliens would want. They might be determined to wipe out all potential threats in the form of smart organisms before they are able to advance enough. That would explain the absence of radio signals from alien civilizations – they might be all around us but are much more vigilant than us.

Even a famous physicist Stephen Hawking expressed his worries about perpetually sending various messages into the cosmos. He proclaimed that our potential encounter with a vastly advanced alien civilization might end up like the meeting of the civilizations of Europe and America in the late 15th century. We might become the modern Indians.

Silence and watchful observation may therefore be the wisest things to do today. We do not have any clue as to how it works in our corner of the galaxy, and it would be sad to be unpleasantly surprised as a result of our frivolity.

But perhaps aliens do not communicate with us for a completely different reason. What if they simply are not interested, since we are simply too stupid? When we go visit a zoo, we do not burn with desire to talk to a bear – even thinking about it seems a bit amusing. Not only is a bear unable to understand the theory of relativity, evolution, or gravity. It can also never understand even the simplest concepts that we find completely normal – going to school, driving by car or even brushing one’s teeth.

Maybe the intellectual level of aliens is so incomparable to ours that our primitive brains would never be able to understand anything about their lives – even their alien babies might be a thousand times smarter than the smartest people of the planet, and quantum mechanics might be just as easy for them as the equation 1 + 1 = 2. Aliens might perceive us as endearing ant-like creatures that are not even worth their attention.

Life – The Inevitable Colonization of the Cosmos

The universe is an immensely inhospitable place. Our bodies are evolutionary adapted only to the characteristic conditions on the Earth, and a trip anywhere outside our tiny planet would without any doubt kill you. The human body is used to the tremendous pressure on the surface of the Earth – each second, a wall of air multiple kilometres high presses your body and you do not even feel it. In fact, we have got so used to the Earth’s atmospheric pressure that our bodies require it. In a near-perfect vacuum of cosmic space, where one can find no pressure at all, you would not survive for even two minutes – the air would get sucked out of your lungs in a flash and you would choke almost immediately.

And it would not be any better on alien cosmic objects – the Sun would immediately burn you with its gigantic temperature, on Mercury you would either get cooked or froze to death (it depends on which side of the planet you would find yourself), and Venus, for instance, would ruthlessly crush you with its unimaginably dense atmosphere.

It may seem that at least here on Earth we are safe – the temperature is just right, the atmospheric pressure is just the way our bodies like it and the same goes for the atmosphere’s composition. But the truth is that humanity is definitely not safe. Not even remotely.

I bet everybody has at some point heard about the Yellowstone National Park, a pride of the American state of Wyoming, teeming with measureless beauty. But not everybody knows what a monstrous object hides beneath the park’s beauty. Yellowstone is not just a national park. It is a huge active supervolcano.

A supervolcano is a gigantic volcano which is able to eject at least a thousand cubic kilometres of material from its heart. Imagine a region with the same area as London covered with 700 meters of dust – this is what supervolcanoes can do. It goes without saying that if Yellowstone exploded, it would be a total disaster. Most of the area of the US would be covered in a layer of dust multiple centimetres high. The gases from the volcano would get to the atmosphere and cause global cooling. The sunlight would not reach the surface of the Earth for ages. Raindrops would obtain a sinister black colour and would become strongly acidic. Humanity would be pushed to the very verge of extinction.

However, if a supervolcano eruption does not scare you enough, I have plenty of different catastrophes for you. If you remember the massive supernovae explosions from the previous chapter, then you might guess that it would not be a swell idea to be around one such explosion. A supernova located just a few light years from the Earth would decimate the ozone layer and quite possibly cause a massive extinction of species.

But we have only just begun. Do you remember the inglorious end of dinosaurs? The same could happen to us. Swarms of various meteorites constantly bombard our planet. However, most of them are too small and burn in the atmosphere long before they manage to wreak any havoc. But once in a few million years, a catastrophe strikes. A huge meteorite stealthily travels to the Earth and starts mercilessly falling down. It all culminates in an immense impact much stronger that the explosion of thousands of nuclear bombs. The meteorite buries into the Earth’s surface and causes massive tsunami waves and extensive earthquakes. Tons of material are heated to enormous temperatures and shot high into the atmosphere, where they turn back and start bombarding large portions of the Earth. Gigantic ash clouds are released into the air and the Earth is submerged into impermeable darkness for several years. Most species go extinct in the following days or weeks.

But there is even more. Other possible catastrophes include the exchange of the Earth’s magnetic fields, an unusually huge solar eruption, a stray black hole cruising our solar system, or a global deadly epidemic that may very well happen in today’s globalized society.

However, if you still do not believe me that any of these events would cause a tremendous catastrophe, we can peek into the past. Today, scientists document over twenty mass extinctions, all in the past 500 million years. But five of them deserve a special attention. Five tragic events which are known under an ominous nickname – the Big Five. I have already mentioned one of these colossal events – the asteroid impact at the very end of the Cretaceous period, which has annihilated over three quarters of all species, including dinosaurs.

What was the cause of the remaining four? Nobody knows. But one of them was so vast that it by far surpassed all the other extinctions of the Big Five – the Permian extinction. During this event, a whopping 95 percent of all species disappeared! Why? Nobody knows for sure.

If we take the total number of species that have cruised our planet and compare it to the number of species that inhabit the Earth right now, we find the shocking truth – more than 99 percent of all species that have ever lived are now extinct. All those millions of species I have already mentioned make up less than one percent of all the diverse organisms that the Earth has ever created.

But what does all of this mean to us? Will a similar extinction strike soon, causing us to perish? Probably not. Similar events are very rare and the probability of them happening in the near future is almost zero. It is possible that we will be just fine for another 100 thousand years.

But eventually, another extinction will without any doubt happen. Maybe in a hundred years, maybe in a million. And if humans are still walking on the face of the Earth when it strikes, it will not be good news for them.

Thus, if we want to save our species, we will eventually have to leave our tiny blue planet and find a new home. It is inevitable. And the sooner we make this huge step, the greater our chance of preserving.

It might not be obvious, but today we are nearly at the beginning of a new era. An era in which people will for the first time in history state a planet at the end of their address. And our first stop? Mars.

Even today, amazing plans to change the Red Planet beyond recognition are being developed. Scientists presume that once upon a time, Mars was not that different from the Earth. Its surface was covered by oceans of water and perhaps even held alien life. But then something went wrong, Mars lost most of its atmosphere and turned into a cold wasteland. If we managed to melt the water frozen on its poles and make its atmosphere denser, we would create an environment that is very similar to that on Earth. Yes, such an act will be immensely complicated and challenging, but the world’s greatest brains are already slowly planning to make it happen.

But if we want humanity to survive to the very end of the cosmos, the colonization of Mars will simply not be enough. In a few billion years, our beloved and faithful Sun will turn into a red giant and the Earth as well as Mars will become blazing spheres of molten rocks. On top of that, we will still be vulnerable to supernova explosions. One such explosion in the vicinity of the Solar System would influence all of its planets.

If we want to preserve our species as long as possible, there is only one solution – eventually, we will have to go towards new stars and find a home there. The future gives us only two options. Either we join the 99 percent species of our planet that have failed, or we retire from our blue shelter and head for the homes of the future. If we manage to do that, we will be the first species on Earth to extend its operation beyond the borderline of our planet. Who knows, perhaps we will be the first such species in the entire universe.

Life – The Marvelous Story of Life

If you were ever presented with the opportunity to travel back in time, it would definitely not be a very good idea to travel to the ages of the early Earth. After its formation, our planet was a huge torrid ball of molten rocks and a poisonous atmosphere. On top of that, it was constantly bombarded with a tremendous number of meteorites. It goes without saying that in such inhospitable conditions none of us would have survived for more than a few seconds.

However, something fascinating happened 3.8 billion years ago – the temperature of the Earth dropped below 100 degrees Celsius (212 degrees Fahrenheit) for the first time in history and thus made possible the existence of one of the most crucial compounds for today’s life on Earth – water in its liquid form. Our planet was flooded with oceans and got its typical blue color. And at least in one of those early oceans, the strangest and most mysterious event of all time occurred – the first organisms were created.

To understand why the dawn of life is such a mystery, we first need to know than even the earliest and most primitive organisms were still much more complicated than everything else that could be found on the early Earth. It is a huge mystery how something so complicated could have formed by itself.

Today we know that terrestrial life is based on organic compounds. For instance, the musculature of the human body is made of organic compounds called proteins, which consist of amino acids. But the problem is that proteins in today’s organisms are incredibly complicated – some of them are composed of hundreds of amino acids that have to be stacked in a precise order. It is nearly impossible (or at least immensely improbable) that such complicated proteins were created on the early Earth just by chance. It would have been as if you thoughtlessly threw all sorts of material necessary to construct a car on a pile and expected the car to miraculously build itself.

Today’s complicated organic substances simply could not have been created by accident. They must have evolved from simpler compounds. But today nobody knows how. And now, we are finally getting to the first organism on Earth.

Unfortunately, nobody knows what the first living organism looked like. Quite possibly, it was just a simple molecule, but that molecule differed from the other ones quite significantly – it was able to make copies of itself. We do not know what this molecule looked like. A plausible candidate is RNA or ribonucleic acid, but even that is fairly complicated to be created by accident. Who knows, perhaps we will never find out the true shape of the first “living” molecule.

Whatever the case, this first replicating compound was eventually replaced by our old friend DNA. It wrapped itself into a protective shell (cell wall) and the first cell similar to today’s prokaryotic cells saw the light of day. And then, the most significant and most fascinating mechanism of life came into action and created every single living organism that today merrily roams the face of the Earth – evolution.

DNA determines the exact appearance of every living organism. Your DNA tells your cells how to behave – the cells in your nails are supposed to obediently divide, the protective cells of your immune system should vigilantly look for unwanted visitors, and red blood cells’ task is to transport oxygen throughout your entire body and thus keep it going. Every organism is just a collection of tiny cellular servants who obediently perform everything the all-powerful DNA orders them. When your DNA says that you are supposed to have brown eyes, the cells in your iris are required to make it happen by producing a large amount of a pigment called melanin. When your DNA thinks it would be a better idea to have blue eyes, the cells produce a bit less melanin.

And every time an organism wants to make a copy of itself (reproduce), it has to copy its DNA into a new shell. It is like copying the control software of a computer into a new one. Modern complicated organisms achieve that by sexual reproduction – two individuals decide it would be a splendid idea to join their deoxyribonucleic acids into one and thus create a unique offspring, who combines the traits of their parents.

However, prokaryotic cells reproduce in a much more interesting way – they divide. Imagine suddenly splitting your body into two halves. Then, both of them would grow back up to form your entire body. This is exactly the kind of reproduction used by many ancient and today’s cells.

But the process of copying genetic information is not perfect. Whether DNA is copied by cell division or sexual reproduction, this process never evades various errors. Such errors can take up many forms – a disobedient particle inside your DNA finds itself in a wrong place or a certain segment of your DNA is copied multiple times. These errors are called genetic mutations.

Genetic mutations are the most important phenomenon related to evolution. You see, a new organism that is formed from a copied DNA strand is no longer identical to the original organism – its DNA is a little different because of mutations. We can see a great parallel again in our computers. Imagine changing some part of the system code of your computer – you find a line of code and do whatever you want with it. You can copy it, delete it or simply start typing random characters and hope for the best. Genetic mutations inside organisms are similar.

It should not come as a surprise that most genetic mutations are not really beneficial. An organism with a harmful genetic mutation usually perishes long before it is able to pass it on to its posterity. However, sometimes the opposite happens – a genetic mutation turns out to be advantageous. Within early organisms, such a mutation could have taken many forms. For instance, it could have caused that a cell produced a better cell wall or that it could utilize nutrients in a more effective way.

An organism with a profitable mutation not only survives, it is often more successful than its relatives without a similar mutation. Due to this fact, they are often able to reproduce better and thus pass the mutation to the next generation. Those then pass it on again and again, and the number of individuals with the mutation grows rapidly, until they outnumber those without the mutation.

Imagine that you are serenely manipulating with the code of your computer without any knowledge of programming languages, and by pure chance, you manage to create a code that makes the computer a thousand times faster. You then send this improved code to your friends, who apply this code to their own devices. The code will spread rapidly and before you know it, everybody has it – the old code will be gone forever, because it will have been eliminated by yours. Evolution works similarly, though in a considerably more complicated way.

Due to the omnipresent mechanism of evolution, early organisms did wonders. Some of them managed to directly utilize the sunlight using photosynthesis, others told themselves that it would be a swell idea to move onto dry land. The organisms with advantageous genetic mutations thrived, while others gradually perished.

The swift advancement of evolution was supported by a substantial factor – the early Earth was a particularly inhospitable place. Organisms that were not able to adapt enough were thus mercilessly obliterated. On top of that, prokaryotic cells knew a mesmerizing trick – horizontal gene transfer. Humans can pass on their genetic information merely vertically – to their children. But all the early organisms could give parts of their DNA to anybody. It is as if you were able to give your friend the color of your eyes or your height. Thanks to this feature, beneficial genetic mutations spread like wildfire throughout the early Earth, and prokaryotic organisms split into two primary groups – Archaea and Bacteria.

And what happened after that? For a long time, not much. If you are by any chance planning to go on a trip two billion years into the past to explore all the diverse species of organisms of the early Earth, you are free to cancel this journey right away. Two billion years ago, there was not a single organism that we would have be able to see with the naked eye – all of them were still trapped in the microscopic world. This absence of any advanced development is somewhat surprising given the fact that back then life had already existed for over a billion years.

However, over 1.8 billion years ago, a crucial reversal in the development of life occurred. Some bacteria got a great idea – to live inside of other cells. The first eukaryotic cells therefore saw the light of day.

If you point a microscope on any eukaryotic cell of your choice, you will see various objects performing diverse functions – organelles. At first sight, it might seem that each organelle is just a part of the eukaryotic cells. It has turned out, however, that some organelles used to be independent organisms that got mercilessly engulfed by an ancient cell.

After all, we can actually demonstrate that on the eukaryotic cells of the human body. You see, they contain organelles called mitochondria – necessary factories producing energy for our bodies. But all mitochondria are in fact descendants of ancient bacteria that were absorbed 1.8 billion years ago by a different cell, and together they formed eukaryotic cells. One might say that they must have started making themselves at home in our cells after such a long time. The opposite is true – they are still keeping a kind of distance from other parts of their host cells due to their own membrane. They even to refuse to give up their own DNA (the remaining DNA is located within the cell nucleus, but mitochondria do not let that happen to their DNA and are still keeping it in their own heart; it might almost seem like they are ready to pack their bags and leave their eukaryotic host anytime).

Even plant cells have their own independent visitors in the form of chloroplasts, which transform sunlight into chemical energy and thus produce carbohydrates. That means that plant cells are only able to perform photosynthesis due to the fact that one of their predecessors thought it would be a great idea to engulf a poor cyanobacteria.

Only with the arrival of eukaryotic cells did evolution finally build momentum. Eukaryotic cells brought order into the realm of genetics – they have cut down on horizontal gene transfer and learned to reproduce in an organized way using sexual reproduction. That has caused a true explosion in the diversity of the eukaryotic world.

Over 1.2 billion years ago, some eukaryotic cells decided to join into one complex unit and thus gave birth to the first multicellular organisms. 600 million year thereafter, the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere raised drastically. As a consequence, the ozone layer was created and started blocking harmful radiation from the Sun. Organisms could finally move onto dry land.

500 million years ago, the first plants, animals and fungi appeared. The world saw fish, sharks, beetles and many more complex animals. 270 million years later, the dinosaurs became the dominant vertebrates and ruled the lands. However, 65 million years ago, an event occurred that changed everything. A huge, ten-kilometer meteorite crashed into today’s Mexico and caused the ultimate downfall of dinosaurs.

This seemingly tragic event, which mercilessly annihilated three quarters of all species on Earth, was undoubtedly the best thing that could have happened from our perspective. It overthrew reptiles and gave chance to a repressed group of animals known as mammals. Back then, mammals only constituted a negligible part of all animals and were trying their hardest to hide from the omnipresent dinosaur predators. However, once all the dinosaurs were gone forever, they seized the opportunity and swiftly took over the rule over the animal kingdom.

A tremendous evolutionary explosion followed, and mammals started taking many various shapes and sizes. Some went to become the greatest animals on planet Earth and created countless contemporary species like giraffes, elephants and bears. Others decided to stick with smaller proportion and evolved into today’s mice, squirrels and hares. Some even got the idea to submerge back into deep oceans and thus gave birth to intelligent dolphins and massive whales.

About 60 million years ago, the first primates appeared on Earth, serenely living in the forests. But seven million years back, a small group of higher primates somewhere in Africa made a significant decision – to forsake life in treetops and daringly go into open savanna. Here, its members evolved exceedingly large brains in proportion to the size of their bodies and became the most intelligent species on our planet.

And finally, just 200 thousand years ago, Homo sapiens came on the scene – humans were born. Some early humans decided to leave Africa and fled in all directions, on nearly every continents. The Earth was becoming crowded with people, which forced our predecessors to give up hunting and gathering and switch to agriculture. The first organized cities and civilizations were born.

Today, a few thousand years later, humans have gained a seemingly unshakeable position of the dominant species on Earth, residing on the very top of the food chain. And we owe all of this just to our immense curiosity and unprecedented intellect.

At first glance, it might seem that this was the goal of the billions of years lasting evolution – to create us, the smartest species on Earth. However, we should put aside our feeling of superiority over everything else and realize that evolution has no intentions. The only goal of the DNA molecule is to create an organism sufficiently adapted to its environment, so that it is able to pass on its genetic information to the next generation. It does not matter whether an organism comprises of just one primitive cell or takes form of a complex thinking being – from the perspective of evolution, you are just as successful as your pet, both of you have managed to win the harsh evolutionary fight against other organisms and our often very inhospitable planet.

Every organism you see around you (and even countless those you cannot see) is a product of a single successful evolutionary line. All of its ancestors have managed to pass on their genetic information to their descendants. It is fascinating when we realize that if just one of our ancestors failed, we would not be here at all. Every one of us is a product of many happy coincidences, without which we would not even have been born. In other words, if one of your fish ancestors were ruthlessly consumed by a hungry shark the day he was preparing to procreate another of your ancestors, the entire evolutionary chain would be irreversibly broken and your existence would simply be impossible.

Life – What is Life?

Life is all around us. Dive into the deepest bottom of the ocean, climb the highest mountains of the world or simply stay where you are. The entire Earth swarms with billions and billions living organisms. However, the vast majority of life is invisible to the naked eye and can be found on places you would have never expected. Wherever you are right now, it is almost certain that each square centimeter of all objects around you is inhabited by many primitive bacteria, miniature fungi and other various creatures. Every time you go to bed, you can say hello to the hundreds of thousands of tiny dust mites, who made your bed their permanent home. Or you can get acquainted with billions of microorganisms living on the surface of your body – on each of us, there are actually more organisms than there are people on the entire planet.

Considering how incredibly common life is here on Earth and how often we encounter it, we know ruefully little about it. Scientists estimate that our planet is a haven for staggering several million species. However, as of today we are acquainted with “just” one million organisms. That is to say that the majority of all organisms who are sharing this tiny planet with us have never been observed and are still awaiting their discovery.

However, science has to deal with another issue – the effort to describe what life actually is. Defining life has turned out to be much more complicated than it might seem at first glance. It is difficult to find a common defining element for all objects we consider to be alive when they are so different from each other – you would hardly find a similarity between a human and a dandelion.

But there is one thing we know for sure. Life is, just like everything else, part of the universe, so it has to obey its laws. In its essence, every living organism is just a collection of complicated molecules arranged in a unique way that makes the organism what it is. In other words, life is not anything magical as people used to think – on the molecular level, it is composed of the same inanimate stuff as everything else.

And scientific research seems so suggest that all of this applies to the species Homo sapiens as well. For millennia, humans have considered themselves to be something more than other organisms, which is actually not that surprising. In a way, we are a unique species – we can communicate using complex languages, create art, build magnificent structures, and many more things other organisms could only dream about. Therefore, it should not be startling for us that people living before the scientific epoch presumed that we must be special and superior to everything else. But is seems that science conveys an entirely different message. Just like all other organisms, we are a product of evolution. And just like all matter in the cosmos, we are composed of atoms and molecules. In other words, you, a dust mite in your bed, and a favorite toy from your childhood are more similar than you might think.

Today, life is defined somewhat clumsily by the following features – every living organism is composed of one or more cells, reproduces, uses energy to its maintenance, grows, adapts to its environment and is subject to evolution.

But right at the first feature (life is composed of cells), we come upon a problem. This problem is brought by objects known as viruses, notorious for causing lots of diseases. Viruses are actually not composed of cells – most of them are much smaller than even the simplest prokaryotic cell. But are they alive, or do they belong into the inanimate world? To answer this question, we first need to learn a bit more about them.

The origin of viruses has been a mystery for many years. Some scientists have long assumed that they originated independently of cells. That is actually not very unreasonable – viruses and cells are nothing alike. Viruses only consist of a tiny package of genetic information wrapped into a membrane. On top of that, they are, unlike cells, unable to extract energy from their environment. You may wonder – how do they survive, then? The answer is simple – they parasite inside cells.

Every single virus has only one task – to find a cellular host and transform it into a factory making thousands of additional such viruses. Those then leave the host, find a different cell and the whole process repeats.

However, the perception of viruses has changed recently, as several gigantic viruses have been discovered – Mimivirus, Megavirus, and more. The existence of these viruses has been a huge surprise for scientists. Imagine that you devote your whole life to the study of rodents and that you know nearly everything there is to know about them. But suddenly, a monstrous mouse as big as an elephant you did not even know existed walks into your house. Similar surprise struck scientists upon discovering giant viruses. Some of these viruses are even bigger than the smallest prokaryotic cells. And what is more, their DNA is often very similar to that of cells.

This discovery has led scientists to a fascinating idea – what if viruses were not created independently, but gradually evolved from cells by throwing away genetic information? What if all of today’s viruses are just very distant descendants of ancient cells that have decided it would be better to sponge on others? That would certainly explain the existence of giant viruses – they are former cells that have not managed to throw away as much genetic information as their smaller cousins.

Viruses are therefore just a miniature package of DNA which is unable to exist independently and parasites on other living organisms. And now we are finally getting close to answering the complicated question as to whether we can consider them alive. Viruses are able to reproduce and utilize energy, but they cannot achieve that on their own. Instead, they use a cellular host. That is why they are considered to be somewhere on the divide between animate and inanimate – some peculiar half-alive objects.

However, there is one more thing that viruses and cells have in common – genetic information in the form of the deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA. Perhaps it could even be said that DNA represents the most important compound of life. This fascinating substance contains every single information necessary to build an organism. If you managed to get the DNA of any person in the world, you would know everything about their anatomy (provided that you were able to decode that DNA).

There is a unique DNA in each of us. And not just once – every single one of the billions of cells in your body has a built-in copy of your DNA inside of its core. And it dutifully follows everything the all-powerful DNA says. If we proclaimed that a cell is a kind of organic hardware, DNA could be viewed as its directing software. And these two key components combined are responsible for the existence of me, you and all living things.