SUN OFF 20231231

Today, I was supposed to start my diary, but I messed up, so instead I’ll list my achievements so far, my failed goals, and my future goals here.

Achievements from 19931029 to 20231231

☆ Survived for 11020 days, or 30 years and 9 weeks.
☆ Graduated from a relatively good university (Telkom University) and a relatively sought after major (Informatics Engineering) with a relatively good GPA (3.6) and relatively fast duration (3.5 years).
☆ Got a relatively stable job (data warehouse staff in BUKU III bank) in my hometown with health insurance benefit (aside from BPJS) and retirement benefit (aside from BPJSTK).
☆  Bought a house (partially by borrowing some money from my parents) with a carport near my current office (about 15 minutes away).
☆ Saved IDR 350 M of liquid assets (in the form of government bonds and cash).

Failed Goals

× Failed entrance exam to get into STEI ITB.
× Failed to win any competition in my school and college days.
× Failed to get married before 30.

Future Goals

□ Get married before 35 with a decent, not too old man (at least 15 years away from retirement age, I don’t want to have a husband who starts a business past his productive age out of responsibility only for him to become yet another burden for me (because a late 40s years old man (or probably any age actually, although a much younger spouse is most likely secretly wishing for her much older spouse to be dead as soon as possible) who has enough assets to live comfortably for several generations would surely has no problem to acquire an early 20s years old woman who aspires to be a dedicated housewife, just saying, and yes, I can’t support a househusband with my job, heck, I’m not even sure if I can keep my office career until my retirement age with this ‘demographic bonus’ thing, and I don’t wanna be one of those parents who barely able to feed their children but expecting their children to provide them a comfortable old age in return), not to mention that men around this age rarely look good, and most likely don’t have anything in common with me, and almost certainly not a gamer) who won’t ends up making me squander my hard earned assets, or even worse, trapping me in a bad debt and subsequently making me lose my job (a bank staff is required to keep a healthy debt, failure to comply will result in termination), and of course, won’t threaten my cats.
□ Have enough assets to live off of passive incomes.
□ Publish some apps and games, and if possible, monetize them.
□ Create all sorts of crafts from all sorts of stuff that I’ve bought and sell them.
□ Cover all of my manga.

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